
“I’m more interested in what I discover than what I invent.”

Paul Simon

In all areas, there is room for more creativity and discovery. We can come up with so many new ways to do something. If children are given a chance, they can come up with many games and ways to entertain themselves. They might feel free enough to bounce ideas off each other. It seems to be a combination of time, experiences, and some effort that gets us to the point of inventing something new.

As I become a better cook, I do try new recipes and attempt to make changes to recipes I find. It is fun to just be in that inventive stage where the process is just as important the final product.

Do you enjoy experimenting and creating something new?

6 thoughts on “Invention

  1. I do enjoy experimenting and trying something new. I am not a good cook but I love to bake and that is where I might be found to experiment.
    I agree that we can discover creativity in all areas. So many people that I know are truly creative but they take their own creativity for granted. It is important to know that creativity comes in all shapes, sizes and forms and to celebrate the creativity in all of us.

  2. Hello Ana, 🙂
    How interesting we have the same name. heehe.
    I think discovery always takes me on a journey and through that my creativity is left to imagine and invent new ways in which are in line with where I am. Yes I love to create and invent as without it, wouldn’t be the same. 🙂
    Love and light. x

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