A Sewing Update

Sewing Kit

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my plan to learn how to sew. I finally completed a sewing project (the pillowcase tote), and I am lining up a few more projects for the near future.

The final project turned out well for a beginner. At first, my sewing machine needed some adjusting. It seemed slower than usual and the threading was not quite right when I gave it a quick test run. I made some adjustments and then it was fine. The directions were clear enough and I was able to finish fairly quickly. Although the stitches were a bit crooked, I felt good about my final product and enjoyed the process.

My daughter wanted the bag after she saw it, so it is hers now. That little gal is so encouraging since she likes most of my handmade things. It worked out because I felt the handles were a bit small for me but perfect for her. I’m also planning to jazz it up as she likes frills.

After reading several sewing blogs, I’m excited to keep working on projects and  I want to make this a regular activity. I need a good schedule to keep me going. I could plan for two sewing projects a week and see how that works.

How do you manage your time pursuing various hobbies and interests? 

6 thoughts on “A Sewing Update

  1. Gosh, that’s a hard question to answer actually! I’m not sure how I manage my time, I don’t tihnk I consciously ‘manage’ it at all really, I am just busy doing and making things all the time ! 🙂

    Blogging about all my projects helps me keep up with things and actually get projects finished ( I used to be very good at just starting projects).

    I think because I enjoy being creative and making things that is enough motivation to find the time to keep on doing it and get projects done.

    How about you?

    • I usually need to pick a day when I will work on something and not let distractions get in the way. I don’t have a consistent schedule, so monthly goals might work better for me.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I enjoyed your blog and will be trying a few of your projects.

  2. Congrats on your 1st project! Keep us posted with your new sewing creations. If you have any questions contact me! I make a committment for the day or hour. Everything else waits…..laundry phone, spouse. Terah.

  3. Motivation is half the battle. Well done you. Sounds like you’re enjoying your knew found skills which is great.

    I have answered your comment on my blog. Thanks for commenting. :O)

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