The Start of Something New


It took helping my daughter with her flute to inspire me to pick up an instrument of my own. My daughter was having trouble with a few notes for some pieces she would be playing at her first concert at school. She only begin playing the flute a few months ago, so she had simple songs to practice. I looked at her materials, figured out what she needed to do, and guided her through the songs. We went from familiar notes and progressed to the more challenging ones. It was thrilling for both of us to hear her produce familiar tunes, and she was excited about the idea of performing with her elementary school classmates on stage.

With all this music making, I looked at the old, sentimental guitar that was displayed in our living room. I always wanted to play the guitar, but I thought that old guitar was too delicate for me. My husband’s guitar isn’t the right size for me, so I took a chance and picked up that fragile-looking extra guitar. With the help of husband who has been playing guitar for years, and, I began learning a few chords and actually making some music. Although I’ve had to adjust to the pain on my fingertips, I’ve felt pure joy ever since picking up that guitar.

I felt it was just the right time to start a musical instrument. Somehow everything was aligned to make this a possible and successful venture for me. How about you? Have you ever felt an activity or change came at just the right time in you life? Tell me about it!



Celebrate the Small Things – August 23rd

vik - small things 2-1It’s time to Celebrate the Small Things! I’m glad to just enjoy time with family this week! It’s been a lot of fun cherishing these last days before school starts. Our school routines will be in place soon, so we’ve been gearing up for that.

What have you been up to this week? 

Celebrate the Small Things – August 16th

vik - small things 2-1

It’s time to Celebrate the Small Things! Have you been checking off your to-do list? Making progress with your latest project? Share your success with us!

I’ve filled two bags of children’s books to be donated. My kids have outgrown some books, so now we have a little more room on the bookshelf.  I also donated a large bag of children’s clothing. Kids grow out of clothes so quickly!

Any small things you are celebrating this week?

Celebrate the Small Things – July 26


Photo courtesy of @Doug88888

I’m enjoying the Celebrate the Small Things blog hop and hope you also join in!

This week I’m celebrating some writing time. I managed to start a new short story and this has encouraged me to revisit a few other stories that need to be revised. I also did some brainstorming for blog posts and other writing projects.

What are you celebrating this week? 

Celebrating the Small Things – July 19th

Gardens by the Marina Bay Frangipani-07=

Photo courtesy of Sheba_Also

It’s time to Celebrate the Small Things! This week has been filled with lots of fun times with my kids along with a few celebrations:

1. Decluttering a little every day
2. Finding two missing items during the decluttering sessions
3. Getting back into reading Eat and Run

What are you celebrating this week? 

Celebrating the Small Things – July 12

Early pink dogwood flower heads

   Courtesy of Martin LaBar

I recently found VikLit’s blog which hosts the Celebrate the Small Things blog hop on Fridays. I love the concept of celebrating even the smallest of accomplishments because it keeps me motivated to do more.

What I’m celebrating this week:

1. Finding the Celebrating the Small Things blog hop! (Thanks, Heather!)

2. Keeping a few hot spots clear in my kitchen.

3. Filling one bag with clothes to donate.

What are you celebrating this week? 

May Update

burgundy yarrow flower buds

The A to Z Challenge was a success for me. With short posts and no theme, I was able to complete it. I enjoyed meeting new bloggers and gaining more followers. I’m grateful of all the thoughtful comments throughout the month! It seems that I am back to infrequent posts, but I want to get back into blogging again.

My decluttering is still in progress. It’s satisfying to throw out or give away things and have a bit more room as a result.

I hope you are keeping up with your goals and maintaining (or creating) good habits!

A to Z Challenge – Z for Zadie Smith

On Beauty

Z for this challenge can be a tough one. I brainstormed a bit, but couldn’t find the right topic for this one. Then I looked at my bookshelf and immediately knew I was on the right track. Zadie Smith was it! I’m currently listening to Zadie Smith’s On Beauty. I’ve heard many praises for Zadie Smith, so I’m excited to give one of her novels a try.

Have you read On Beauty or any of Zadie Smith’s books? What do you think? 

*Wow, I’ve made it to the last post of this challenge! Congrats if you also completed it!*

A to Z Challenge – Y for Yarn Bombs

Have you seen anything like this in your area?


East Bay (Northern California)



Yarn bombing

Melbourne, Victoria, AU



Yarn Bombing

The Netherlands



Yarn Bombed Library Frog

 Highland Square branch of the Summit County Library (Akron, Ohio)



Yarn bombs

Occidental Park in the Pioneer Square neighborhood (Seattle, Washington)