A to Z Challenge – B for Bird by Bird


Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, by Anne Lamott, is by far my favorite writing book. I often flip through it when I need some inspiration. It gives me a boost and helps me face a blank page with a little more courage. Lamott is candid, funny, and insightful throughout this essential resource. Even if you are not a writer, you’d still enjoy her clever, creative writing style.

Have you read Bird by Bird or any other Anne Lamott books?

11 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge – B for Bird by Bird

  1. Bird by BIrd is at the top of my list of books on writing. Anne LaMott’s straightforward writing style and sense of humor made it one of the easier writing books to read. Love your blog!

    Sherrey at Healing by Writing

  2. Pingback: Quotes for Writers (and people who like quotes) Anne Lamott | BRIDGET WHELAN writer
  3. I picked up Bird by Bird for my father years ago, back when he hoped to write a novel of his own. I really need to get a copy of my own, because I keep going back and stealing his! I love her fiction books, but this one is just invaluable.

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