So You Want to Write a Short Story (Part 1: Getting Started)


As I prepare to write four short stories in September, I’ve gathered some resources I’d like to share. Writing short stories is fairly new to me, so I want some guidance before I begin.

First you need to know what to write about:

Developing Short Story Ideas by Dennis G. Jerz

Forty-Four Short Story Ideas from Creative-Writing-Now

Then you have to think about how to put the story together:

Short Story Elements by Ms. Engram

How to Write a Short Story from The Creative Penn

Short Story Tips from The Story Corrective

You can’t go wrong with advice from these successful writers:

Kurt Vonnegut on Writing Stories from Brain Pickings

Stephen King’s 20 Tips for Becoming a Frighteningly Good Writer by Jon Morrow

And of course, you should read some good short stories:

Forty Short Stories from Harper Collins

Find some classic short stories here and here.

Planning my stories and setting up a time frame will keep my focused. You may have a different approach to writing short stories. If writing a story without much planning works for you, go for it. If you are a newbie like me, getting the basics down before writing might be a good strategy.

What is your short story writing process? Any tips or resources you can share? 

Photo courtesy of Strumpet101

12 thoughts on “So You Want to Write a Short Story (Part 1: Getting Started)

  1. Pingback: A Short Story is Born | Writing Fiction Blog
  2. Pingback: Are your stories like your children? | Zara ~ a writing story
  3. Pingback: Book Review: Let’s Write a Short Story! by Joe Bunting | Writing & Random Thoughts
  4. Pingback: My B-Day « Anthony Richer
  5. Pingback: Teen Writing Prompt 307 « TeenGirlsthatWrite
  6. Pingback: Wednesday reflections: review of THE SEARCH, a short story by Susan Leigh Noble | J. Keller Ford ~ YA Fantasy Author
  7. Pingback: So You Want to Write a Short Story (Part 2: Taking Action) « The Artistry Collective
  8. Would it be possible to add ReadWave? Because at ReadWave, you can build up an audience around your story by starting small writing short stories now and allowing your readers to download and share with others. If you are aiming to be an author, novelist or writer, this is a great way to start to market your stories online. You’ll enjoy it and may even get some inspiration! So please check out the site: or reply back to me!

  9. There’s no better way to practice the art of writing than to write a few poems and short stories. Have you ever tried your hand at them? It’s surprising the number of writers that have never done this. Instead they jump straight in with their first novel. ^

    • Thanks for stopping by, Michiko! I agree that it’s best to try smaller writing projects like poems and short stories before tackling the novel. I have written some poems and short stories before, so I know how hard it can be. Just constantly writing and reading makes for a better writer. Sometimes it’s just as simple as that! Best to you 🙂

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